ATC Container Pack v3.3

Hello everybody,

This version of the pack includes the following features:

New hits:

New Skin: LS-Area (thank you to matze4211)

Here are a few words about LS-Area directly from the Matze:

Moin moin dear people,

first a big thank you to Alfredix and the LS Modcompany, they support us with this mod.

We the LS Area are a small community that have met via YouTube and gamble together. We are an amalgamation of several streamers and viewers who enjoy multiplayer games. The LS19 and the ETS2 are also included.

If you want to know more about us, check out Facebook or Discord.


V1.0.0.3, 30.12.2018, initial version

V1.0.1.0, 02.01.2019, fixed log error

V1.0.1.1, 04.01.2019, maintenance update

V1.1.0.0, 09.02.2019, 40' ColliFix, new Skins

V1.2.0.0, 16.02.2019, disChargeNode fixed

V2.0.0.0, 02.03.2019, added 30', 45' and gas Tanks

V2.0.0.1, 04.03.2019, HotFix removed TensionBeltObject

V2.1.0.0, 16.03.2019, new Skins, new shop category

V3.0.0.0, 18.04.2019, reworked fillable, new TankContainer, moddesc 43

V3.1.0.0, 24.08.2019, new Skins, added store categories by GC

V3.1.0.1, 12.10.2019, updated store pics

V3.2.0.0, 17.10.2019, Display Fill volume as paletts

V3.3.0.0, 14.11.2019, added lsarea Skin



Via the Facebook link you come to our Facebook page of the LS-Area.


concept, Alfredix

modelling, Alfredix

testing, Alfredix, Sprinter, meerstonk, opa Andre, ralfroehn, Legolas2905, Agarwen

soundfix, CapoUwe

PCS Skin, Sprinter

Hof Hirschfeld Skin, Agarwen

hyundai Skin: TschiZack Gaming

LS-Area Skin, matze4211

gas Tanks, www.ego

scripts, LS-Modcompany (GlobalCompany)


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