After a long construction period, here is my Modular BGA.
- Various Coli adapted
- Various XML adapted
- Season Ready
- Extra XML for Season (for price adjustment)
- Snowmask added on some buildings
#Sound callstack and error DigitalDisplay.lua I could not reproduce on server.
In this pack you have 40 object to build your own BGA. I've tried to use it as much as possible but again you should try it on a savegame test before installing your savegame. Before placing, level the surface properly. You have the possibility to choose from 6 different types of bunkers. Further attachments are the container BGA which can be extended with additional filling containers.
And still a compact system, you can even fill it with trailer.
As well as other deco buildings, silos, manure stock and 3 finished BGA plants.
I hope with this pack in the LS BGA bissel variety to bring, especially in MP.
I wish you lots of fun trying and playing.
Hope the pack covers a bit of Vielfaltigkeit around the BGA.
Kastor, Eribus, Giants
Tester: DSA-Team /LSMC-Team