Animal Species - Savage Pig Pack v1.3

1.3 Changes : Work on all maps without any manipulation/modification to do !! (easier Multiplayer compatible)

This mod adds a new kind of pigs! Wild pigs! There are 2 species between them with different ratios.

One is a breed of breeders that is made to breed to sell them. The other is a rather dirty species that produces more manure

and liquid manure.

A breeding farm is provided with this mod to handle wild pigs, you can not buy them from the animal dealer and you have to pay

a price to catch them when you buy them. For sale, you can use the 2 livestock trailers to bring them to the pet merchants who

will buy them back, otherwise you will pay a fee to release protected species in the wild.

Wild pigs therefore eat a little different from pigs, they need more protein (50%) and want more fruits from the land.

Detailed data when loading into the console.

Compatible With: Animal Species - Complete Edition v2.1

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Meliandah, KurryM (core model of husbandry)


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