FENDT ROGATOR 600 V1.4.0.0
- improved passenger position
- fixed airhorn movement while unfolding
- added character movement to acceleration pedal
Fendt rogator 6x5
- compatible with hose mod
- included universal passenger
- engine configs (645 / 655 / 665)
- ic-control
- different tank sizes
Changelog 1.2:
- added gearbox options (40kph / 50kph)
- added visible airhorn config
- improved ic functionality
- added different steering options (front wheels / back wheels / all wheels)
- improved positioning of the decals (they now follow the curve of the model, in the previous version they seemed to be floating)
- characters hand now moves with the joystick
- optimization of textures to reduce download size
If you reupload to another website pls put the link to here in description.