- Power: 129 kW / 176 hp.; - Speed: 83 km / h; - The volume of the fuel tank: 440 l.; - Cost: 12 500 €; - Choice of color of a cabin; - The choice of body color; - The choice of body; - Removable awning; - Animated suspension, universal joints, mud flaps and devices; - Working mirrors; - Working lighting; - leaves traces; - gets dirty and washed; - The effect of aging; - Body volume: 15,200 / 27,000 l .; - The trailer is included, also with a swap body. Changes v1.1: - Added trailer hitch; - Fixed camera in the cabin; - Mirrors are configured; - Fixed the effect of aging on mud flaps, spare wheel and headlights; - Replaced air filter; - Minor edits.
Eraevgenij, FS19: [email protected]=-