SnuEdition v1.4

I changed the color of the Fiat 1300 Dt and Kroeger TKD 302 times

Version 1.4.0

Fiat again has original sound and fun horn

new colors added

the Fiat has better performance, better brakes and a beacon,

Kroeger changed the frame color to black.

All have the default color pink-metallic, but have free choice of color

Logo on Kroeger can now be hidden,

Price adapted to snu finances :)

Wheel hub color at Fiat and Kröger changed to black

the mod must be unpacked!


Modell: GIANTS

Textur: muenny

Idee / Konzept: muenny, Teddyschlumpf

Tester: muenny, Teddyschlumpf

Sound: muenny



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