This update is concentrated on prices of items (placeables) to allow a 'realistic' feel and gameplay when using this mod.
Changelog v1.2
- Modified prices of refill tanks to $150'000. Kept the refill price to $0;
- Modified fillrate from 500 liters per seconds up to 1'000 liters per second.
- Corrected a few mistakes in the descriptions of some xml files.
NOTE: This is a remake of a mod which was published on ModHub a while ago now and this mod is not the 'official' updates to the mod.
If you do not enjoy my mods or want to give me some hate in one way or another, I am more than proud to inform you that the original mod is available by seraching "Placeable Refill Tanks" in the search bar.
Any hate comment of any type or reply posted on this mod's comments section will get deleted.
I am also new to the modding community, so all comments posted in the goal to help me improve in modding or simply to say a good message is more than welcome. (We all deserve to get help to improve rather than hate eachother.)
Original Creators: GIANTS Software
Mod Editor: Velocity DK