The mod brings 2 variants of grain drying into play.
Grain drying dries grain with the help of fuel to reduce the moisture content.
Grain drying - fuel Diesel
Building costs: 100000€ Daily costs 10€
Requires diesel as fuel. Production rate: 1000l grain + 50l diesel = 900l dried grain.
Storage capacity 1000000l per grain
Grain drying - fuel biomass
Building costs: 100000€ Daily costs 10€
Requires biomass as fuel. Production rate: 1000l grain + 250l biomass = 900l dried grain.
Storage capacity 1000000l per grain type
Season ready.
Multifruit ready.
The mod only works in conjunction with Global Company.
Some buildings are courtesy of Lunchbox.
The garage building is a Prfab from Timoks_LS.
Product registration script courtesy of wingi.