Cow Pasture Open with NO CLEAN v1.0

Cow Pasture Placeable v1.0 By BLINKT

What is the mod?

His placeable cow pasture with cowshed + NO NECESSITY CLEAN

What's in this version?

- Mod belong to only small cow pastures

- Increased size of the entire willow You need a large field to place this willow

- Removed fences

Move crap and crap away from the stable

- changed position of the water tank

- changed position of the milk release

- More straw added to ground

- Little enlarged size of all triggers

- Elevated Navmesh / waypoints where the cow can wal

- Increased maximum number of animals from 50 to 150

- Do not be clean is always 100% clean


Please let us know if you have found an error or an error


Model: BLiNKT


Scenarij: BLiNKT

Ideja / Koncept: BLiNKT


Drugo: BLiNKT


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