Muhlenkreis Mittelland FS19 v1.0.2

This card presents the decorative landscape of the Mühlenkreis with its nostalgic touch, idyllically integrated in a unique landscape.

There are 4 sales stations, as well as purchase stations for lime and manure available, furthermore, the card offers a biogas plant.

Chickens, cows, pigs, sheep and various halls and shelters are already pre-installed on the farm.

Right next to the yard is an area for placeable objects, such as a paddock.

Water can be found on the map at the numerous wells as well as at the pond.

V1.0.2 (Unfortunately, a new score must be started)

- Added more angles for tillage.

- Straw can now be sprinkled in the stables.

- Stables can now be cleaned.

- Bug with the silo fixed and made SALE.

- Added some street lights.

- Bales of straw and hay can now be sold at the land trade. (Bales have to be unloaded that could be difficult in the hall of Agravis =) therefore now at the land trade)

- Seed is now also available at Raiffeisen.

- Fertilizer station of the nursery now supplies Herbicide.

- BGA ground revised.

- Created grass texture and added.

- Soil texture adapted.

- some smaller fixes.

- Traffic slows down better now.

- Windshader adapted.

- Noise of the wind turbine reduced.

If you still something auffält please on post

Version 1.0.1:

- Added purchase stations for fertilizer and seeds at the nursery. (Remember to open the plans)

- Gas and water now available at the garage.

- Agravis can now sell grass and straw.

- Fixed sleep function of the farmhouse.

- adapted transport missions.

- Collision of road signs removed (except for reflector posts)

- Courtyard buildings are now sellable (you do not get any money, but the buildings only cost 1 € to relocate) so you can arrange them to your liking (except for silos and BGA).

- Camera in the GE now adapted for everyone.

- Purchased areas adapted to the light mode.

- Added launch vehicles (Fendt favorite is available on every mode).

- Various smaller fixes

- Reduced price of the yard area so you do not have to invest so much.

- The placeable courtyard buildings are from BernieSCS (Modding World) and the hall from VertexDezign

- Support only on ls-modcompany




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