FS19 Sangheilos v1.0

C to 96F to 204.8F. So becareful what you plant ;) The planet was described as an agraculter planet. Then I thought: What would it be like farming Sanghelios? And well, it was very VERY fun.

There is some miner bugs: The gas station i deleted but, guess what? It came back from the dead and is now just sitting in the middle of nowhere. But no bad bugs.

This is more like a beta but I'm going to put it as a V1, cause it came out pretty good for just working on it for a day.

You even drop out of a phantom!

And much much more! (dont want to spoil it ;)

Big thanks too:

Spartan756, GIANTS, Sgt.Cinnamon, Wolf43,

Be coming out with more ideas for this map soon. Have fun!



Creator: Spartan756

Credits: Wolf43, GIANTS, Sgt. Cinnamon (if I forgot anyone let me know in the comments down below)


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