Welcome to Sweden!
- OBS! Final Beta Testing before 1.0 Release. Please do leave feedback! [email protected]
- Error free log
- Based on real life location
- Highly detailed map
- Custom Lightning/enviroment
- Custom build in placeables and vehicles
- A lot of forest
- 4 mission farmlands
- Custom fields to plow or build your dreamfarm
- One large placeable area in NE
- Build in custom animal areas (New Farmer mode)
Known issues;
- Some Parts Still in Swedish
- Cows do freeze some times
- This map is not for everyone! Highly Detailed. Will require some high end PC Power for high fps.
- Not fully optimized
- MapBoundaries not Optimized. You may fall of map ;)
- Some lightning/shadow issues
Author: D.Design/Daniel
Models by GIANTS Software, QSL Modding, CastorModding(script), CBJ Midwest, BulletBill, FSSweden, Lantmannen, Oxygendavid, BigE, Niggels - VertexDezign, Giants GnG Modding, ItsPooopFace, Fullpowershift, zielak04, Ls-Modcompany-kevink98/Eribus, Tbereit1