Harvest More AnimalEdition v1.0

4k0 - Harvest More

Version 1.0.0 Animal Edition

On request, a version that only changes animals.

- triple the amount of milk

- triple wool and u. Eggs pallets

- triple reproduction of the animals

This mod increases the seed consumption and yield three times for all fruits registered in the game.

In addition, all animals give three times as much milk, pallets, etc. and reproduce three times faster.


triple seed consumption

triple crop

triple milk quantity

triple Woll- u. Eggs pallets

triple reproduction of the animals

Have fun with it ;)

At the request of the user an "Animal Edition" added. This only changes the animals.

The new edition should be available for download during the day.


Seed consumption standard

Harvest quantity standard

triple milk quantity

triple Woll- u. Eggs pallets

triple reproduction of the animals

Have fun with it ;)

I'm modding the world as I like it. If you do not like you, you do not have to use my mod;)

Copyright for used resources remains with the owner.

Copyright for sources created by me remains with me.

Distribution desired, but please only with original download link!






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