DisplayOverviewHud v0.9 Beta

The DisplayOverview Hud should give you a quick overview of your stock / sales prices / animals and more ads

Version 09 Beta

* Fix txtSize XML Settings File (not loaded)

* Fix large number(99.87868...)

* Fix pallets (animals)

* Fix Diverses

* New view amount bales and Pallets(SP)

---- v0.4 Beta or higher ---

F9 ON / OFF / reset (new) placeables objects

F11 MasterKeySwitch

F11 + left / right -> switch mode (modus edit Xml Settings File)

(Edit LS19 Keyboard Settings)

---- v0.4 Beta or higher ---

In multiplayer and single player games.

XML Settings File for Mod: (edit xml values ​​...)

... / LS19 / modsSettings / DisplayOverwieHud / displayOverviewHudSettings.xml <-------

New: rebootXmlESC value in XML File

If rebootXmlESC is true, you can change all Life Update data in the XML file in the XML file if you press 1xESC and leave once again. When you have finished your test phase, you should set the rebootXmlESC back to false to avoid unnecessary script tasks / calls. If you set something wrong or miss something, you may get error messages in LOG.TXT

ColorCode Description: Click here

Buglist for Current Version: Fix Check Not Reproducible Info

line Vertical disappear again and again

txtSize value was not loaded via the XML file

format number (97.5678xxxxxx)

No more and no less

And if you do not like it should not load it :-)

1. Publication only with original download link. NO replacement link

2. Altering and re-uploading is not permitted


Modell: HappyLooser

Textur: HappyLooser

Script: HappyLooser

Idee / Konzept: HappyLooser

Tester: HappyLooser

Sonstige: HappyLooser


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