AnimalsManager v0.3 Beta

This mod is to give you the opportunity to change / reset some LS19 default values ​​in the animals and more.

In multiplayer / HostMp / DetiServerMp and SinglePlayer games.

The following is currently possible or coming soon:

v0.3 - Animals Placeable Limit New (LS19 Default 10)

v0.3 - set Animals cleanLiness Off (over-string) (each animal individually)

Info <acceptsAnimalCleanLinessOff>

v0.3 - set Animals cleanLiness On (true / false)

v0.3 - Animal Visual Limit New (Performenc)

v0.4 - visual display near Animals

Is XML Edit then Restart Game / Server (NOT Reboot XML inGame)

animalPlaceableLimit exaggeratedly high ---> own risk

animalVisualLimit use for better Performenc

All values ​​can be set via the XML file

XML Settings File for Mod:

... / LS19 / modsSettings / AnimalsManager / animalsManagerSettings.xml <------- SP / HostMp

... / ServerRootDirectory / animalsManagerSettings.xml <------- DetiMp

Check Images Files:

Color Code Description: Click here

Buglist for Current Version: Fix Check Not Reproducible Info

And if you do not like it should not load it :-)

1.Publication only with original download link. NO replacement link

2. Altering and re-uploading is not permitted


Modell: HappyLooser

Textur: HappyLooser

Script: HappyLooser

Idee / Konzept: LS19 Players

Tester: HappyLooser

Sonstige: HappyLooser


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