Welcome to Holmåkra
Required Mods:
- Fueltank 5000l (By: VertexDezign)
- Machinesheds (By: [DMI]20mmNormandy)
A forest and farming property set in southern Sweden.
- A detailed and diverse forest
- 7 fields (totally 13ha)
- Areas for placeable buildings
- Seasons supported
- Custom textures for seasons
- Custom tree textures
- Over 30 000 trees to cut down
- Dof (graphics) has been removed to improve fps and distance blurriness
- Changelog v2.0.0.0
- Added farming
- Expanded the map
- Foliage textures from Projekt Mecklenburg
- Farm buildings from 20mmNormandy
- New tree textures
- A few minor corrections
PixelFarm, North Modding Company