ALSSACH Map v1.0

Alssach is a place that consists of eleven districts and stretches. All locations are fictitious and do not refer to real locations.

Welcome to Alssach (normal)

Alssach is a place that consists of eleven districts and stretches. Your aunt and uncle lived there for a long time and had a small “contracting company”, which means that they carried out transport tasks with their small tractor and performed wage services with the machines of the local farmers for a fee. Now they are old and have retired.

You now have three options to settle in Alssach. The second variant is called AlssachHart)

Option 1 (download Alssach as normal, unzip the file and put the zip files in your mods folder)

You start at the community and get the keys of the old LPG that you bought, or rather what is left of it. So you have a roof over your head, a few machines that may need maintenance and a large overgrown plot, and depending on the difficulty level you choose start-up capital. Is this your way or are you looking for a challenge, then take the other version?

To the card:

50 fields and meadows (9)

11 locations

4 pet dealers

17 points of sale

2 biogas plants

15 industry / building plots

20 water points spread over the map

Buy seeds, fertilizers and pesticides for 50% less than in the shop directly at the factory

4 forest areas

Pay attention to the speed cameras, they are just being announced in the villages. You pay a fine of 200 euros per kilometer too much, but only if you are more than 5 kilometers faster than allowed

Places and what is there:


Your aunt's and uncle's house (important depending on how you play)

the vehicle dealer

the Krebacher mill (sales) with dispute

the butcher (sell animals)

an industrial site (which you can buy and sell the building on)

Water tapping point

Nearby a building plot (which you can buy) and Knoll (sale)

Likewise consumption (important for transport missions)

New Alsen

BGA Alssach (generating electricity and heat, sales)

Port (sales) with giant box at the entrance

Weaving (sale)

Baker (sales)

Dairy (sale)

Carpentry (selling wood)

Economy market (important for transport missions)

Water tapping point

Building plot (which you can purchase)


Manure and slurry (sale)

Sheep dealer

Gas station (nearby)

Water tapping point

Building plot (which you can purchase)

Seed and fertilizer factory (nearby)

Under Alsen

Brewery (sale)

Südzucker (sales)

two possible courtyards, on one there are two industrial buildings, which you can sell after purchasing the property

Water tapping point


Diner (sale)

Horse dealer (nearby)

Scheune heating plant (sale of wood chips)

BGA barns (generating electricity and heat, sales)

an industrial site (which you can buy and sell the building on)


Grain trade (sale)

Sawmill (wood sales)

Water tapping point

an industrial site near the sawmill (which you can buy and sell the building on)

Minol petrol station (nearby)


BDE (sales)

Water tapping point


Agricultural trade (selling straw, grass, hay, silage)

Village shop (selling eggs, among other things)


Wood chips (sale of wood chips)

Cow dealer

Water tapping point

Building plot (which you can purchase)


Main courtyard LPG

Pig dealer

Water tapping point


Community (starting point at AlssachHart)

two industrial plots / building plots (which you can buy and sell the building on)

Now have fun with the map.

LG Papaheart


Mein Dank gilt Prinzipiell allen Moddern für eure zahlreichen objekte und features, ohne euch könnte ich keine Karten erstellen, Danke.

Unter anderen, die ich nicht benennen kann, habe ich objekte von folgenden Moddern verbaut

möchtegernbauer DDR_Lagerhalle

DDR Einfamilienhaus EW58


Deere6800 Kleine BioGasAnlage ls2011

Coolman1966 Telefonzelle mit Kilngeln Leitplanken LS15

Trekkerbodo Zuckerfabrik2013

JauchenPaule oldBoatHouse

PowerPeter008,haselhorst Waldtiere

und Spieler74

DerRobi66 Minol2017

tn47 Blitzerscriptls19

RoaderSIMModding V2 Deco Fahrzeugpaket

möchtegernbauer Fleischer 2015 und Bäcker2015, plattenweg2013,

Giants Basis, sämtliches Ls17, Ls19

devin Getreidehandel ls13

tempel-modding Brauerei ls13

AndiScania Objekte für Deko aus der Bantikow LS 15/17 und der Schönebeck ls15

Redkeinstus Objekte für Deko aus der BalticSea LS17

SMOKstoner Objekte zur Deko aus derHalle/Tornau 1982 LS19

--> Bei den Maps kann ich nicht genau sagen aus welcher Map ich eventuell was genommen habe, da ich mir alle davon im GE angeschaut habe



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